
A Little Nugget Between Shows

In my recent attempt to catch up on my television, I saw this incredibly funny commercial that I'm sure everyone has seen by now. Its the new Guitar Hero ad featuring Kobe Bryant, Michael Phelps, Tony Hawk and A-Rod. I think its absolutely ADORABLE!

Here's a look at some of the future entries you can look forward to:

Real Chance at Love (VH1)
Kitchen Nightmares (FOX)
Family Guy (FOX)
True Blood (HBO)

Please Forgive Me!

I know that I've been away for QUITE a while. I've been tied up performing in a play called Crumbs from the Table of Joy at Florida A&M University's Essential Theatre. I've been so busy that I honestly have not had time to even watch TV.

Above I've posted a link to some of the pictures from the production (I'm Alison) and I hope to be back in the blogging game very soon.