
A Few Weeks In

A few weeks ago I posted about the new shows "Lie To Me" on Fox and "Trust Me" on TNT. I've given up on "Lie To Me". I felt the show was pretentious and assuming. Tim Roth's character had perfected his craft just a little too well and didn't know when to keep that mess to himself.

As for Trust Me, hmm. Its interesting. I see where its trying to go, it just hasn't gotten there yet. After 3 episodes, I still have to remind myself that its coming on, that's how I know it hasn't completely sucked me in. But I do remind myself and I do follow every episode. Sometimes though, it doesn't feel cohesive, I like my dramas to have things that keep me guessing and putting the pieces together even a few weeks down the line. Also, the characters are losing their sheen. Tom Cavanagh is still charming and quirky but with the promotion of Eric McCormack's character comes the inverse of his likability. It isn't that he's turned evil, I mean that would be more interesting, now he's just... a little dull. And I like McCormack! He's quick and fiery. I just want more of that. I know he isn't Will anymore, but where's the passion?

1 comment:

An FTB Bloggers Blog said...

I'm still watching "Lie To Me". I like it because it helps me watch Maury and Court TV with a different view on things.

I think it's a lot like House with an ego maniac Rouge leader in charge. It's not as good as touted by the media, but I'm still in for another week.
